Varje onsdag hela sommaren
I biljetten ingår:
Gör din kväll ännu mer minnesvärd:
Datum: Varje onsdag under sommaren
Plats: Clarion Hotel Sign, åttonde våningen
Missa inte denna fantastiska möjlighet att uppleva en touch av Capri mitt i staden! Boka din plats redan idag och skapa minnen för livet.
Italian Capri Experience at Clarion Hotel Sign's Rooftop Pool & Selma City Spa!
Every Wednesday throughout the summer
Included in the ticket:
Make your evening even more memorable:
Dates: Every Wednesday during the summer
Location: Clarion Hotel Sign, eighth floor
Don't miss out on this fantastic opportunity to experience a touch of Capri in the heart of the city! Book your spot today and create memories for a lifetime.